Presidential elections in Turkey can hold a month earlier

Presidential elections in Turkey, scheduled for June 2023, can be held a month earlier, TGRT reports with reference to sources in the ruling party of justice and development (PRS), headed by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

According to the data of the channel, the PSR is offered to hold the elections not on June 18, as provided for by applicable law, but on May 14, motivating this with the possibility of a second round of voting, which will take place in July in the initial terms and can take place with a low appearance of voters in connection with the voters in connection with The beginning of the vacation season. On the other hand, the channel notes, the terms of the planned elections coincide in time with exams at universities, which can also negatively affect the turnout and the outcome of the vote. The Party of the President of Turkey has not yet commented on information about the possible postponement of elections. Earlier, the current president and representatives of the PSR said that the elections will take place on the planned terms – June 18, 2023.