Presidents Macron and Zelensky discussed situation in Ukraine by phone

French President Emmanuel Macron and President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky discussed the situation in Ukraine on the phone.

The statement of the Eliseisian Palace says that Macron and Zelensky discussed the needs of Ukraine during a telephone conversation.

The statement states that the leaders of the two countries discussed the course of the development of the situation in Ukraine, and Macron resolutely condemned the intensifying Russian attacks on Ukraine.

Macron expressed the determination of France to provide the necessary support for the defeat of Russia in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war with its partners, the statement said.

The French president announced the supply that will be made by his country in the coming days and weeks to support the military efforts of Ukraine.

According to this message, Macron expressed an opinion on the advisability of establishing a ceasefire in the region during the Olympic Games and launch the necessary diplomatic initiatives for negotiations between Russia and Ukraine.

It is also noted that these negotiations should be carried out in accordance with international law and legitimate interests of Ukraine.