Prime Minister of Belarus: growth rate of economies of CIS countries in 2023 exceeded global

The growth rates of the CIS countries in 2023 exceeded the global. This was stated by Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko during a meeting of the Council of the Heads of Government of the CIS in Ashgabat.

“In difficult external conditions of 2023, economic growth in the CIS countries on average amounted to 3.8 percent, while in 2022 we were on average in a negative zone – minus 0.5 percent. As for Belarus, it was 2023 GDP years grew by 3.9 percent, ”said Roman Golovchenko.

The head of government also noted that the demonstrated growth rates of the economies of the CIS countries exceeded the global value, which amounted to 2.7 percent.

“It is gratifying that this year the economic growth of all CIS participants is preserved. According to statistics, in the first quarter of the Commonwealth GDP, 3.9 percent grew. Belarus GDP increased by 4.1 percent over four months, in four months in four months “By 5.1 percent,” said the Prime Minister.

He also noted the significance of a stable high share of calculations in national currencies between the CIS countries – more than 85 percent.

“It is important that investment in fixed assets increased by more than 10 percent, cargo transportation exceeded the level of 2022 by almost 6 percent, etc. In the CIS countries, unemployment is reduced. This is what this is in our opinion? Economic activity is growing? In all countries, economic relations are strengthened.

Golovchenko said that the CIS has passed the test of time and meets all the requests of the current moment.

“Today, not one of our states cannot but feel the consequences of the growth of global crisis and the formation of a new world order. We are witnesses of how the same -sex world collapses, new centers of power arise that advocate the formation of a multipolar world order without superiority and The dominance of the so -called teachers like it or not like it, we believe that this process is already irreversible, ”the prime minister emphasized.

In this regard, according to him, the demand for unions of states with a common cultural and historical foundation is growing, the common interests regarding the development of their region.

“In this regard, the request has also increased to stable, predicted and equal interstate relations. In this context, I believe that the Commonwealth of Independent States meets all these criteria and, most importantly, the time has passed,” said Roman Golovchenko.

This CIS format allows in practice to maintain a common approach to solving economic problems and counteract world global challenges, added a politician.

“Contrary to various factors, pressure, post-Pandemic events, pessimistic forecasts from our ill-wishers, it was possible to maintain unity in the space of the Commonwealth and ensure progressive development in all key socio-economic indicators,” added Prime Minister.