Prime Minister of Japan: world in Ukraine should be fair, without changing boundaries

Japan supports the establishment of a fair and sustainable world in Ukraine, which will be based on the principles of international law and will not justify a unilateral change in borders. This was stated by Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kisid during the plenary meeting of the world summit in the Swiss burghentok, Ukrinform reports.

“We are united here by one goal – we all hope that the world will be restored in Ukraine as soon as possible. This world should be fair and long, and rely on the principles of international law, including the UN Charter. Such a world should never justify a unilateral change borders, ”he emphasized.

According to the Japanese prime minister, “in order to realize a long and fair world in Ukraine, it is symbolic that the entire world community directs efforts to this, and that we all cooperate and there is no separation between us.”

The head of the Japanese government also assured that Japan will continue to provide Ukraine with humanitarian support and strengthen efforts to support the energy sector of Ukraine.