Prince accused of killing biggest bear in Europe

Prince Emmanuel von Und Tsu Liechtenstein was suspected of murdering the biggest bear in Romania. An animal, according to some reports, was also the biggest bear of his kind in Europe. The accusations of non-governmental organizations Romania Agent Green and Austria VGT reports “” with reference to the BBC.

According to representatives of the Romanian ecological group, the Environment of this country issued a prince permission to hunt for a bear, because of which the farmers of the settlement of Owydula suffered. However, for an unknown reason, the monarch of particular in March killed a bear in the forest, which did not even go to people.

it specifizes that the 17-year-old bear named Arthur died in the guarded reserve in the Carpathians. Now the prince is imputed to the killing of the biggest bear in Europe for the sake of the trophy on the wall.

In Romania since 2016, there is a ban on trophy hunting.