Protests in Karakalpakstan: authorities announced an attempt to seize government bodies

On Friday, 1 Iyulya, it was reported that residents of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, which are part of Uzbekistan, came to a rally against the proposed amendments to the country’s constitution. On Saturday morning, July 2, on the official website of Zhokarg Kenes (parliament) of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, a message was published about the events in Nukus (the capital of Karakalpastan).

The message that brings the Fergananews agency said that “July 1, 2022 in Nukus, the criminal group of persons organized illegal actions expressed in an attempt to seize the state administration of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. Hiding behind populist slogans, manipulating the consciousness and trust of citizens, The organizers of the riots, not obeying the legitimate requirements of representatives of the authorities, gathered citizens of the republic on the square in front of the complex of administrative buildings of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. “

The message notes that “the provocateurs, based on those who have gathered citizens, made an attempt to master these state institutions and thus contribute to the company, destabilize the socio-political situation in Uzbekistan. Useful measures taken by law enforcement agencies, the illegal actions of the instigators were suppressed , attempts at riots are localized … A group of organizers of the riots and persons who actively resisted law enforcement agencies are detained. “