Putin and Mirziyoyev discussed further development of bilateral cooperation

A telephone conversation of Russian President Vladimir Putin with the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev took place. This is stated in the message on the Kremlin website.

The course of preparing the upcoming state visit of the President of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Uzbekistan was discussed. In this context, a number of practical issues of further development of bilateral cooperation will be affected, including in the trade and economic sphere.

Putin also shared his impressions of the negotiations in Beijing with the Chinese leadership.

On both sides, the desire to further consistently strengthen the relations of allied and strategic partnership between Russia and Uzbekistan, the statement said.

Meanwhile, the press service of the Uzbek leader said that “the issues of further expansion of the Uzbek-Russian multifaceted cooperation, strengthening the relations of a comprehensive strategic partnership and allies” were considered. “

Particular attention was paid to issues of increasing the volume of trade, implementing projects of cooperation of leading enterprises and promoting cultural and humanitarian exchange programs, including by activating interregional contacts, ”the report.