Putin: Kyiv knew about Ukrainian prisoners of war aboard IL-76

The Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was known that the prisoners of war of their countries knocked out by the Ukrainian military Il-76 to the place of exchange. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Look, shot down our plane, IL -76, 65 people with our military. We did not just bring them there. And the main department of intelligence of the Armed Forces of Ukraine knew that we were carrying military personnel, 65 people, and in total It was, in my opinion, 190, ”Putin said at a meeting with the participants of“ Swo ”.

According to him, knowing about this the APU still struck this aircraft. “I don’t know if they did it specifically either by mistake, by thoughtlessness. But it is obvious that they did it,” the Russian leader said.

The President called the blow to Il-76 “Crime of the Kyiv regime.” “In any case, what happened is a crime. Either” by negligence “, I have to apply such a legal formulation, or specially, but in any case it is a crime,” he said.

According to him, the means of defeat, which are removed from the place of the IL-76 fall, indicate that “the blow was inflicted either by American or French systems.”

The President said that he would entrust the Investigative Committee (SK) of the Russian Federation as much as possible to publish all the details of the incident with IL-76.