RED Hearts Foundation Launched

Red Hearts Charitable Foundation introduced its official website On the site, you can learn in detail about the activities of the Foundation implemented by charitable projects and promotions, future plans and other interesting information.

Wishers to make a donation for charity, can transfer money through a new site online. In addition, through a website, you can also send an appeal to the Red Hearts staff. To ensure transparency on the main page, the statistics of the Fund’s work are published: the amount of funds collected; the number of charity shares; the number of physical and legal entities who made a donation; The number of people who were assisted; The number of Red Hearts volunteers and other information.

With the launch of the site, the Foundation also gave the regular charitable action called “Pəncəli Ürəklər”, which will be held on the eve of October 4 – World Animal Day. Money collected as part of the action will go to feed and medical services for homeless animals of the city of Baku. If you want to support this initiative, you can go to the site and make a donation.

It should be noted that Red Hearts was founded in December 2019 on the initiative of Kapital Bank employees. The organization that currently operates as a charitable foundation mainly assists child homes, shelters and other people need.