Representatives of Sweden and Finland will discuss in Istanbul joining NATO

The speakers of the parliaments of Finland and Sweden will come to Turkey in January to discuss issues related to their membership in NATO, the chairman of the Turkish parliament Mustafa Schentop said on the air of CNN Turk.

He recalled that Helsinki and Stockholm gave Ankara a number of promises, and the Turkish side monitors their implementation.

“In January, the heads of the parliaments of the two countries will come to Turkey. I see that they are positive and decisive. Sweden and Finland want to join NATO in order to strengthen their national security. We need to believe it, for this they need to take specific steps for this . Turkey in the light of this will decide on the issue of membership in NATO Sweden and Finland, ”said Schentop.

Sweden and Finland submitted applications for joining NATO in May, Turkey blocked the process of joining the alliance. Ankara said that the presence of these countries in NATO would approve, if they recognize the Kurdish organizations with terrorist, and will also give persons accused by the Turkish authorities of terrorism and involved in the coup attempt in 2016.

In early December, it was reported that Sweden, fulfilling the requirements of Ankara, extradited Mahmuth Tata, a member of the Kurdistan terrorist working party (RPK) to Istanbul. Several years ago, he was sentenced in Turkey to imprisonment for participating in the APC, but fled to Sweden.