Research: Metabolic syndromes deterioration increases risk of cancer

According to the news of the Medical Xpress website, scientists from the capital’s medical university in China conducted a study with the participation of 44 thousand 115 adults with an average age of 49 years.

According to the results of the research, low metabolic syndrome was detected in 4 thousand 657, medium -nyzky – in 18 thousand 18, medium -high – in 18 thousand 288, and high metabolic syndrome – in 3 thousand 152 participants examined in 4 different categories in 2006-2010.

During a second examination in 2010-2021, 2,271 of these participants was diagnosed with cancer.

The study showed that patients with a high metabolic syndrome had an increased risk of cancer diagnosing compared to those who had a low syndrome.

It turned out that participants with high metabolic syndrome and chronic inflammation have increased risk of breast, uterus, colon and liver, while those who did not suffer from chronic inflammation, the risk of kidney cancer was increased.

One of the authors of the study, Dr. Han Ping Shi, said that the treatment of metabolic syndromes, such as high blood pressure, excess fat on the abdomen, an abnormal level of cholesterol, can be an “important strategy” for cancer prevention.

The results of the study are published in the journal “Cancer” of the American Oncological Society.