Robotized surgery reduces stay of patients in hospital

Robotized surgery has become an important tool in modern medicine due to its many advantages compared to traditional surgical methods.

This was said by a gynecological oncology specialist “Bakyrkeyo Dr. Sadi Konuk” in Istanbul Sema Karakash.

According to her, robotic surgery reduces the deadlines in the hospital and accelerates the time of restoration of patients.

“This technology greatly facilitates the conduct of women’s oncological operations. There are patients whom we write down the very next day. If during an open operation we hospitalize patients by 5-7 days, then with the help of a robotic system, the period of their stay in the hospital is reduced to 1 -2 days of complications are less both during the operation and after it, ”she said.

The doctor noted that robotic surgery also promotes a significant decrease in the cost of operations.

Karakash added that today only a few medical centers in Turkey and the world are performing robotic operations.