Round table on topic “Azerbaijani-Turkish relations” took place in Baku

In the capital of Azerbaijan Baku, a meeting of the round table was held on the topic “Azerbaijani-Turkish relations as part of the organization of the Turkic states.”

A meeting on the topic “Azerbaijani-Turkish relations in the framework of the organization of the Turkic states” was held together with the University of Ibn Haldun in Azerbaijan at the Center for Analysis of International Relations.

Scientists from Turkey, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan took part in the round table.

The head of the Center for Analysis of International Relations, Farid Shafiev, noted that during the period of complex processes taking place in the world, relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan are becoming increasingly important.

Speaking about moral and political support provided by Turkey to Azerbaijan during the 2nd Karabakh war, and the training of Azerbaijani officers in Turkey, Shafiev noted: “This year marks the 15th anniversary of the signing of the Nakhichevan agreement of the organization of Turkic states (OTG). OTG turned into an international organization and will become a more developed and powerful institution. “

The University of Ibn Khaldun, Professor Atilla Arkan, said in his speech that the university attaches great importance to the Union of Turkic states. He said that for this purpose the applied and research center of Eurasian studies named after Heydar Aliyev was created.

Arkan shared information about the University of Ibn Haldun: “We signed agreements with about 30 universities from the Turkic states and are trying to specify these relations.”

Having stated that the world is experiencing a chaotic period, the professor added: “We are deeply aware that this poses a threat and risk to our countries. In order to ensure a bright future, scientists must strengthen cooperation.”

The meeting was the dean of the Faculty of Economics of the Turkish World of the Azerbaijani State University of Economic University, Professor Yuja, Head of the Center for Applied and Scientific Research of Eurasian Studies named after Heydar Aliyev University Ibn Khaldun, Professor Yashar Sarah, Vice -Rector of the University of Tourism and Business Associate Professor Azlan, Head analysis Foreign policy of the Center for Analysis of International Relations Dr. Javid Veliev, Head of the Department of History and Archeology of the University of Khazar Associate Professor Telman Nusretoglu, teacher of the Azerbaijan Economic University Associate Professor Nazim Jeresoy and other scientists.