Russia against Ukraine: three scenarios of further development of war

Western officials and analysts consider three main scenarios, how Russia’s war against Ukraine can develop further. This is stated in the material of CNN, excerpts from which the “European Truth” leads.

The first possible scenarios – Russia will gradually seize new territories in the Lugansk and Donetsk regions of Ukraine.

the second scenario – if none of the parties can advance and the war will reach in the positional phase for months or even years, with great losses for both sides and consequences for the global economy.

The third scenario, which is considered the least probable, Russia will adjust its goals, states that it allegedly achieved what it was going and will try to prepare the ground for the completion of military operations.

If Russia manages to gain a foothold in the captured Ukrainian territories, the United States fear that Putin will begin to use this territory as a bridgehead for the further offensive deep into Ukraine.