Russia and West could not agree in UN Security Council

The UN Security Council today has not approved either the Russian or Western projects of the resolution on the extension of the action of the cross -border delivery mechanism of gum for the Hum forces to Syria.

According to Interfax with reference to the chairman of the UN Security Council Ronaldo Costa Fili, according to the Russian resolution “for” two voted, “against” – three, 10 abstained.

In addition, the UN Security Council voted in a project prepared by Norway and Ireland. This document was not approved, since Russia took advantage of the right veto, China abstained, the remaining 13 members of the Security Council supported the project.

as specified, the text of the Russian project of the resolution contains a proposal to extend the duration of the mechanism by six months until January 10, 2023 “in order to further extend it for another six months, that is, until July 10, 2023, for which it will be necessary to adopt a separate resolution “. It was about the delivery of humans through the Bab-al-Khava checkpoint.

In turn, the Western draft resolution proposed to extend the validity of the mechanism for the supply of humaneousness for six months. However, it provided for the possibility of automatic, without the need for voting under a new resolution, extension for another six months in the absence of objections to the UN Security Council.