Russia announced expulsion of attache on defense of British Embassy

Russia’s Foreign Ministry reports that in response to the decision of Great Britain, who decided to send the Russian Attache on Defense in London, he will send a British attache on defense in Moscow.

The written statement of the Russian Foreign Ministry says that the representative of the British Embassy in Moscow was called to the ministry.

The statement criticizing the decisions of the British authorities against Russia says: “In connection with a hostile and unreasonable decision adopted by the UK against the attaches on the defense of the Russian Embassy in London, a strict note of protest was awarded.”

The statement emphasizes that these steps have caused “irreparable damage” to the relations between the two countries: “We emphasized the representative that we are considering this step as a politically motivated action with obvious Russophobia.”

The representative was also announced that the attaches of defense at the British Embassy in Moscow will be expelled: “Our reaction to hostile anti -Russian actions, declared by the British side on May 8, will not end with this step. Those who initiated the escalation of the problem will be informed about further Return steps “.

In a joint statement of May 8, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Internal Affairs and Defense of Great Britain announced the expulsion of the attache on Russian defense issues, depriving the diplomatic status of some real estate objects related to Russia, and limiting the validity of Russian diplomatic visas, referring to a malicious reconnaissance intelligence Activities.