Russia: deputy chief of General Staff of Armed Forces Vadim Shamarin was detained

In Russia, the head of the Main Communications Department of the Armed Forces (Sun) of the Russian Federation, Deputy Head of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Vadim Shamarin, was detained. This was reported by Izvestia with reference to the source.

According to the source, the general was detained on Wednesday, May 22. On the same day, he was taken to the investigating authorities, where he was interrogated.

Earlier, on May 21, the military court arrested for two months the former commander of the 58th Army of the RF Armed Forces Ivan Popov. Popov was arrested on suspicion of fraud. In addition, on April 23, on suspicion of receiving a bribe, the deputy minister of defense of the Russian Federation Timur Ivanov, who was arrested before June 23, was detained. He is charged with patronage to the contractors of the Ministry of Defense in exchange for property benefits. The case also arrested Sergei Borodin and co -founder of Olympicistist LLC Alexander Fomin.