Russia will answer United States by marine teachings

Russia will answer by the Marine teachings of the Baltic Fleet to the US maneuvers, reports TASS with reference to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

they are scheduled for May 13, the participation will take three small missile vehicles of the Baltic Fleet: “Mytischi”, “Odintsovo” and “Soviet”.

It is expected that their crews will spend ship exercises when parking in the database, as well as training for the preparation of ships to battle and campaign, keeping the fight for the vitality when parking the pier and anti-informational defense in the content item.

“Combat settlements will work off the shipyings using air defense and universal artillery complexes, will produce electronic rocket launches on the ships of the conditional enemy,” the Ministry of Defense says.

The reason for the teachings were the US maneuvers passing in Estonia until May 14. About 800 US Navy servicemen are involved in them.