Russian astronaut gave Turkish flag to training center in Turkey on Day of Republic

Russian astronaut Oleg Artemyev, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Turkish Republic, gave the Turkish flag, which he took with him to the International Space Station (ISS) under the mission 66/67.

According to Anadolu, Artemyev recently visited the Planetary Congress, organized by the Association of Cosmos researchers in Bursa.

The Russian astronaut expressed his sympathy for Turkey and handed over one of the two flags that he took into space, the Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmetha Kajyr. Artemyev presented the second flag to the Guhem Center on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the republic.

Artemyev was in space from March 19 to September 29, 2022, in general, 195 days. During his stay at the ISS, he took photos and videos of regions, including Turkey.

In an interview with the Turkish cosmonauts Alper Goseravchi and Tuva Jihangir Atasvere Artemyev advised them to take the Turkish flag with him and take a photo with him, flying over Turkey.

“You must tell us what it is like to fly over Turkey, what do you feel what this country from space looks like,” he said.

In turn, in an interview with Anadolu, GUHEM General Director Halit Mirakhmetoglu said that the center was very happy with Artemyev’s gift.

“As part of events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of our republic, we accepted more than 70 cosmonauts from 19 countries in Bursa. We were very touched by the gift of the Russian cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev. Our flag spent at an altitude of 400 kilometers for 195 days. He made a trip of about 125 million kilometers and is now put up at Guhes. We proudly demonstrate our glorious flag from the cosmos more than 1000 visitors who visit the space technology exhibition every day, ”said the general director.