Russian maniac who killed 81 woman wants to Ukraine

convicted for the murder of 81 people Mikhail Popkov, better known as the “Angarsk maniac”, said that he wanted to go “to the zone of special operation.”

In an interview with Russian journalists, Popkov said that his current military-class specialty could be in demand during the fighting.

I have a dream – to get into the army. But no one can offer me. If you take my military accounting specialty, then, I think so, it is now quite in demand, although now, probably, it is all more modern – radio electronics and so on. But I have been in prison at least 10 years, I think that it will not be so difficult to quickly study. I might even agree, ”said the maniac.

“Angarsk Maniac” committed crimes from 1992 to 2010 in the Irkutsk region. He was detained in 2012 in Vladivostok. His involvement in 81 murder and three assassination attempts on women’s lives was proved. The first time Popkov was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2015, the second – in 2018.