Ryabkov: Russian Federation invariably advocates preservation of cosmos as an exclusively peaceful environment

Russia, as a member of the Treaty on the peaceful use of space, invariably acted and acts in favor of preserving the cosmos as an exclusively peaceful environment. This was stated by the deputy head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Ryabkov at a meeting of the heads of space agencies of the BRICS participants.

Ryabkov noted that Russia supports the progressive development of space science and technology, as well as equal and mutually beneficial cooperation in this area.

“Today’s meeting is already in an expanded composition, this is very symbolic. We consider this not only as a good sign and reflection of the support of the Russian chairmanship and its priorities, but also, most importantly, as a confirmation of the consent of all participants to develop cooperation in the space sphere,” – Said Ryabkov, whose words are given by Russian media.

At the same time, the Russian diplomat expressed confidence in the fact that “the understanding developed at the end of today’s meeting and (…) agreements will be founded for further expansion of specialized spheres of interaction within the BRICS.”

“We also expect that together the upcoming XVI Association summit in Kazan this fall will become a synonym for success, the personification of the genuine strategic partnership of BRICS,” he said.

From January 1, 2024, the chairmanship in the BRICS association passed to Russia, it will last until the end of the year and includes more than 200 events that have a wide theme and geography of the conduct. The main event of the chairmanship will be the summit of the heads of the state of BRICS in October 2024 in Kazan.