Salt Mountain in Nakhchyan – source of healing

In the famous Duzdag sanatorium (Salt Mountain), patients from various countries suffering from asthma, bronchitis and lung diseases are undergoing a course of treatment.

Duzdag’s salt caves are located at an altitude of 1173 meters above sea level.

The hospital consists of an aboveground and underground parts. The first is located in Duzdag and in the Duzdag Hotel, and the second is under the mountain at a depth of 350 meters.

The course of treatment consists of 10-15 sessions.

In salt caves, separate rooms are equipped for the treatment of men, women and children. Currently, the sanatorium continues its activities, having 474 beds, including sick leave. Duzdag has a total of 127 standard hotel rooms.

The correspondent of “Anadola” talked with an employee of Duzdag Nurana Mirzoeva.

According to her, adult patients are usually in salt rooms for 12 hours. Children 3-12 years old undergoes a healing course for 5 hours.

She noted that patients from countries such as Turkey, Canada, the USA, Russia and France turned to the Duzdag course in Duzdag. According to her, they later recommended a visit to the sanatorium to their friends, relatives and relatives.

The head of the Duzdag branch Niami Guliev said that the Duzdag sanatorium was built back in 1979.

According to him, the salt on its territory was mined since the 12th century.

Guliev noted that the cave is natural ventilation, and the air temperature is 18-20 degrees regardless of the time of year.