Salvini, sympathetic to Putin, refused a trip to Russia with a peaceful plan

The former Minister of Internal Affairs of Italy, the leader of the Italian party, League Matteo Salvini, refused a trip to Moscow, scheduled for May 29. This was announced in an interview with the newspaper Repubblica by the former deputy of the party “Forward, Italy” Antonio Kapuano.

Matteo Salvini is one of the European politicians who previously openly sympathized with Vladimir Putin. According to Kapuano, the purpose of the trip was to offer the President of the Russian Federation to stop the war in Ukraine, Rosbalt reports.

Salvini and his team were going to present to Vladimir Putin a peace plan of four points. The first point provided for the choice of a neutral site for starting negotiations – Turkey or Vatican can become it. Further, Capuano indicates the need to appoint three guarantors of security, Italy, France and Germany, as well as the appointment of a moral guarantor, which can become the pope.

Capuano assures that the “almost ready” trip did not take place – the plans were revised due to the negative reaction of supporters in the party and Prime Minister of Italy Mario Draga to leave Salvini. At the same time, Salvini himself assures that he does not own any information about the media discussed by the Italian plan of the world, “although he is ready to go anywhere with the aim of ceasing – provided that the trip will not be presented by journalists as a” pro -Russian event “.