Sands about Saakashvili, Harizme Putin and his successor

Ex-president of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili is a “mysterious element”, with the appearance of which somewhere becomes bad, then ridiculous, then completely bad. ” Such an opinion expressed a press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Sadkov in an interview with RTVI.

“Georgia has very complex things with Saakashvili. This is generally a completely mysterious element, because where Saakashvili appears, first it becomes bad, then it’s funny, then very bad,” he stated.

“But why Georgia comes several times on these rakes, we cannot understand,” said the Kremlin representative.

He regretted that the authorities of this country at one time began to turn away from Russia. “And then Saakashvili went to madness, he untied the war. As a result, Georgia recorded the intention to join NATO in its Constitution,” the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation was reminded.

Now, he summed up, Russia and Georgia are on different sides of the barricades.

Dmitry Peskov in an interview was noted by the Harizm of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin: “Putin is unique in Harizme. According to the already existing trace in history, it is also unique.”

Also, the spokesman for the President of Russia spoke about his successor.

“Russian President Vladimir Putin at the right time will be able to express his preferences about how his successor will be. But the president will understand who will be clear. The one for whom we vote with you, I mean the Russians,” said the sands.