Saudi Arabia creates consulting center in Arabic language based on artificial intelligence

Saudi Arabia announced the creation of an international center that will provide technical and linguistic consultations in the Arabic language using artificial intelligence methods, which it calls the “first of its kind”.

According to the official Saudi Arabian Arabic Information Agency, the King of the Arabic Language Academy of Arabic, a new initiative called “The Center for Artificial Intelligence of the Arabic Language” in the framework of its efforts to spread and preserve the Arabic language.

The Academy’s written statement says that the center, which is called the “First of the Crude”, will provide technical and linguistic consulting services to everyone who is interested in the Arabic language at the local and international levels.

The Secretary General of the International Academy Abdullah al -Vashmi said that the Center for Artificial Intelligence of the Arabic language is the first center of artificial intelligence to maintain the enrichment of language, research and application and specializes in the automatic development of the Arabic language.

According to him, the center consists of 5 departments: “The laboratory of artificial intelligence, the data training laboratory, audio and visual laboratory, virtual reality laboratory and augmented reality and research laboratory.”