Save Children condemned London for “abstinence” when voting in UN Security Council on Gaza

International non -governmental organization Save the Children (Save the children) condemned Great Britain’s position when voting in the UN Security Council according to a resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in the gas sector.

“(British Prime Minister) Rishi Sunak and his government once again chose to turn away from children in gas. Without voting for the ceasefire in the UN Security Council, the UK thus becomes an accomplice of all the horror that children have to survive in the next hours , days and weeks, ”the organization said in the social network of x.

Save the Children noted that the draft resolution was “a missed opportunity to stop violence in the gas sector.”

The organization called for an urgent meeting and create the necessary conditions to ensure a long -term ceasefire.

Earlier, the United States has imposed a veto on the UN Security Council resolution project demanding an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the blocked gas sector.

13 members of the Security Council voted for the resolution, while the UK abstained.

December 6, UN General Gurierrish, for the first time during his stay at the post, took advantage of his powers and applied article 99 of the UN Charter, sending the corresponding letter to the UN Security Council.