Scientists: 90% of information brain gets from intestine

Intestinal bacteria can become an auxiliary means in traditional psychotherapy, and scientists will learn to treat diseases using Cala transfer. This is stated in the article Die Welt on the importance of microbioma inhabiting the gastrointestinal tract.

The intestine serves not only for digestion. Bacteria in the intestines determine not only what we eat, but also how we behave in society. This opens up completely new opportunities for medicine, notes a journalist of the German edition.

“When at the end of the XIX century, French Joseph Pühol went to the stage every night and performed” Marcelase “and other works, the emitting gases, the audience was in amazement. Ladies one after another fell into fainting from laughter over a meteorist, and nurses were always Nearby. Even those famous personalities like the Belgian King Leopold II, loved Le Pétomane’s show – “a person who has a passion for the emission of gases.” If they knew what other talents were in the intestine, they would have intercepted her breathing again, “the saying In the article, writes “Rosbalt”.

Currently, researchers suggest that the intestine is much more than only for digestion: “More and more scientists are confident: such traits such as shyness, as well as diseases such as depression and sclerosis, can be associated with the intestine “.

“In the digestive tract of each person hides a complex system, which very often works independently and, unlike other organs, does not always perform brain commands, and, on the contrary, transfers the signals to the brain, for example, about the degree of satiety. Intestine and brain directly Associated through a wandering nerve. 90% of the information comes from the intestine to the brain, and only 10% is sent by the brain to the intestine, “the publication notes.

“The weight of the bowel bacteria in each person reaches 1.5 kg, which corresponds to 100 trillion types of bacteria. To date, about 1 thousand species have been decrypted. … With regard to microbioma, the rule is valid: the larger the intestines of various bacteria that produce important molecules. The better health. If certain species are not enough, it causes, for example, an irritable bowel syndrome – and can also lead to diabetes, allergies, sclerosis and other severe glasses.

Especially with regard to the psyche in the future, the appointment of so-called psychobiotics should help, “notes Die Welt. – Bacteria, the lack of which provokes diseases such as depression, could be used as a medicine.

Recommend the quality of bacteria by sticking to the right diet. However, if the microbioma causes strong damage, it sometimes requires something more than a healthy eating – then the supply of bacteria is carried out, for example, by transferring a fire, tells the newspaper.