Scientists: Brought from Mars Soil can cause a biological catastrophe on Earth

Ground from Mars, which is going to deliver the Perseverance rover, carries a potential threat to all mankind. So consider scientists who quotes The Daily Star.

Mars Rocks Brought Back to Earth Could Spark ‘Martian Plague’ in ‘Biological Disaster’

– Daily Star (@DailyStar) APRIL 30, 2021

Experts even created an international committee against the return of samples from Mars – The International Committee Against Mars Sample Return – ICAMSR. Committee members declares the potential danger of the mission. They are confident that in the event of a sentence of some samples with a red planet, a biological catastrophe can be broken down to Earth – “Martian Plague”. The reason can be microorganisms that may well be on Mars, for example, in the ground.

Recall, it is planned that the rover will collect samples of the soil with a red planet, and another rover will be taken, which is scheduled to be launched with the next mission. Capsules with soil will be directed to Earth.