Scientists confirmed: “Omicron” is a contagious “delta”

The new strain of Coronavirus “Omicron” extends 4.2 times faster than “Delta” -Stamma at an early stage of the disease, writes Bloomberg with reference to the results of the study of Japanese scientists.

The author of the study, Professor Kyoto University of Hiroshi Nisira, analyzed the genomic data of Coronavirus, obtained by November 26 in the metropolitan province of Gauteng to South Africa, which became the epicenter of the Oomikron’s outbreak.

“Omicron strain is more infectious and overcomes immunity, developed both naturally and with vaccination,” – the work says.

Currently, a little known is known about the features of the appearance of infection “Oomikron”. According to doctors from South Africa infected with “Omicron”, it is mostly easily transferred to the disease, and their symptoms resemble flu, including dry cough, fever, night sweat and severe pain in the body.