Scientists: Dogs are born with ability to understand a person

Some dogs appear on the light with the congenital ability to “understand a man.” This suggests that they have this ability in genes. Scholars of the Cynological Institute at the University of Arizona came to this opinion. The study was published in the journal Current Biology, writes TASS.

A group of scientists traveled the behavior of two-month Labrador puppies. It turned out that puppies can perceive many signals of man and even the expression of his face, although nobody did with them and did not teach it specially. For the experiment, 375 puppies were selected from the COMPANY Dog Training Center. They had a detailed pedigree, which made it possible to talk about the “heredity factor”. Puppies remained in the nursery, and none of them still “communicated” with a man. Puppies spent through a number of tests on communication with people. Most puppies coped with the tasks set in front of them.

Already in adulthood, the same Labradors were secondaryly “prohibited” according to the same criteria, they all coped with the tasks much better.