Scientists have found out how long antibodies are preserved in children

Recently, children are increasingly among patients with coronavirus, and therefore doctors try to figure out how long they can persist antibodies.

In children, as in adults, after the transferred coronavirus, antibodies are produced. At the same time, their level decreases over time, according to preliminary data, at a sufficient level they hold about four months. Reports about it Israel Hayom.

Researchers from the Israelic Medicenter “Shaar Zedek” studied this question, conducting tests on antibodies to children who fell into local hospitals for various reasons. At the same time, every tenth child, as it turned out, was previously sick with COVID-19, but few people knew about it.

Doctors found out that in small patients the level of antibodies gradually decreased after recovery. At the same time, children repeatedly checked 4 months after recovery, antibodies were almost no.