Scientists have learned why bodies of Tibetan monks do not decompose after death

Head of the Psychology and Psychophysiology Department of the Russian Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yuri Boubev spoke about the secret of Tibetan monks, revealed by biologists.

According to him, the bodies of Tibetan monks after death do not change to two to three weeks. Speaking about the research of the mysterious practice of monks – Tukdam – the “right” transition to the world of other, the Russian expert noted that “a few days before his death, the monk should read certain mantras,” Rosbalt writes.

Boubev clarified that usually monks are buried no later than three days after death, and their bodies, despite the heat, are not decomposed by weeks. He said that he had the opportunity to examine the body of the monk.

“lay in the house in the heat and did not undergo any changes inherent in the dead. In some cases, the dead man in this state may even be in the lotus position,” said Boubev in an interview with “MK”.

He noted that the average person stops the blood flow after the death, the brain hypoxia occurs, then the death of the brain, decomposition begins, and the monks for many days and weeks as if they sleep. “According to the instruments, they were dead, and according to what we saw, they just slept in a deep bed. We described 5 such cases last year,” explained the specialist, adding that “after two to three weeks it ends the rapid decomposition of the body. In a matter of hours. “

“According to Buddhist concepts – this is a sign that consciousness smoothly, slowly moved to a thin plan, the mustiest moved it, and the body can be cremated,” he said, adding that while scientists cannot say what’s going on In fact, at the physiological level.