Scientists indicated connection of COVID-19 with development of Parkinsonism syndrome

Indian scientists from the Laboratory of Stem Cells and Neurodegeneration School of Natural Sciences Bhahhachidasan published a study in which the connection of the loss of smell in patients with Coronavirus and Parkinson’s disease (BP), reports Izvestia.

The idea of ​​the connection of the two states indicates the fact that there were cases when the COVID-19 had a Parkinsonism syndrome manifested. This is a syndrome in which slowness and tremor – symptoms of Parkinson’s disease – appear due to infection or injuries.

The loss of smell in some cases may be associated with the destruction of infected dopaminenegic neurons in the brain, which secrete dopamine. The lack of this hormone provokes motor disorders and development of BP in patients, scientists consider. In addition, loss of opportunity to feel smells – an important symptom of Parkinson’s disease.

“Now many scientists link coronavirus infection and neurodegenerative diseases, but there are no evidence base – there are still very few cases. But this does not mean that such a connection will not find in the near future. As for the evaluation of the sense of smell, it may occur For various reasons: from disorders of the integrity of the nasal mucosa prior to the damage to the central nervous system. In Parkinson’s disease, it is due to the death of peripheral neurons. What can be with a coronavirus infection, “a neurologist, a dynamologist of the Branch of Sleeping Clinic Nervous Diseases, told Izvestia . AND I. Kozhevnikova Sergo centravel.