Scientists told how to determine Koronavirus in children

A large-scale study that was conducted in the USA showed that most children infected with SARS-COV-2 coronavirus appear specific symptoms. They differ from those characteristic of the “adult” version of COVID-19. The results were published in the Journal Scientific Reports.

It was previously known that children and adolescents COVID-19 leaks easier than adults. Now, scientists found out that the symptoms of coronavirus infection in adults and children are different.

Scientists have found that most children included in the study have not been manifested by typical symptoms for adult patients – high temperature, dry cough or shortness of breath. 18.8 percent of children were registered fever, malaise, pain in muscles or joints, as well as disorders of smell or taste; 16.5 percent had respiratory symptoms, including cough and shortness of breath; 13.9 percent – gastrointestinal symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea; 8.1 percent – dermatological symptoms – rash and peeling of the skin; 4.8 – Headaches.

Total 672 children from 206 included in the study were hospitalized. It is 5.5 percent of the total number of medical assistance, which is significantly less than among adult patients.

Researchers believe that the clinical features of the flow of COVID-19 in children and adolescents, as well as a large number of asymptomatic cases in this age group require the development of a special screening procedure in schools and other children’s institutions to prevent the spread of a new coronavirus infection.

The authors note that in connection with the fuzziness of symptoms or their absence now only testing makes it possible to reliably diagnose coronavirus in children and adolescents, which themselves often do not hurt, but tolerate the virus. Without such testing, according to scientists, it is unlikely to be able to quickly stop the pandemic.