Separatists: Pashinyan raised issue of Vardanyan’s resignation

Nikol Pashinyan does not want Ruben Vardanyan to work in Karabakh, it was the demand of Nikola Pashinyan, “to finally transfer Karabakh to Azerbaijan,” said the representatives of the separatists David Balstyan.

According to him, the leader of the Armenian separatists Araik Harutyunyan “has no interpersonal problems with Vardanyan,” and the question of his “resignation” was raised at the initiative of Pashinyan.

“Nikol Pashinyan does not want Ruben Vardanyan to work in Karabakh, it was the demand of Nikola Pashinyan, to undermine, to finally convey Karabakh to Azerbaijan, so creating problems, weakening. The question is not in Ruben Vardanians. Whenever Ruben Vardanyan opposed Nikola Pashinyan. There were problems. Vardanyan said that he was expecting not only financial and humanitarian assistance from Armenia, but Armenia should do much more serious work to resolve the current situation, and Nikol Pashinyan did not like it, ”Galstyan said.