Serdar Berdimuhamedov: GA UN will make an important contribution to strengthening of universal world and security

The President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdymuhamedov met in New York with the UN Secretary General Antoniu Guterrysh, the TDH State Agency reports.

The UN Secretary General thaned Berdimuhamedov for his personal participation in the Global Forum and noted the active and initiative position of Turkmenistan in cooperation with the UN.

The Turkmen leader, in turn, expressed confidence that the UN GA will make an important contribution to the strengthening of universal peace and security, to promote sustainable development in the world.

The parties exchanged views on priority areas of bilateral partnership, and also noted Turkmenistan, guided by the principles of positive neutrality, implements a foreign policy aimed at ensuring the well -being of the peoples of the region and the whole world.

emphasizes that Turkmenistan fully supports the undertakings of the world community carried out under the auspices of the UN and aimed at ensuring peace, security and sustainable development.

This regard was emphasized the effective nature of the long -term interaction of Turkmenistan with the UN and its specialized structures.

“This fruitful partnership is also embodied in the implementation of the regional and global constructive and global structural initiatives put forward by the Turkmen side, in the joint implementation of large projects and programs in various fields,” the message says.