Shares in support of Saakashvili: situation in Tbilisi is glowing

The State Security Service Building of Georgia has gathered several hundred people who requiring the release of the former President Mikhail Saakashvili from the conclusion, as well as the appointment of extraordinary parliamentary elections.

Sputnik Georgia writes that the verbal sword with police officers led to confrontation. Several people were taken from the place of shares on the machines of the patrol police. Called different numbers from ten to twenty detained.

The leader of the “Unified National Movement” party Nika Melia has already informed supporters about the nearest plans. On Wednesday, UND supporters are going to picket several government departments in Tbilisi. After the morning protests of the State Affairs, supporters of End are going to move to the building of the Tbilisi City Court, where the process over Saakashvili will pass.

Mikhail Saakashvili was translated into Tbilisi to the clinic in the Gldanskaya prison from Rustkaya Prison No. 12 on Monday. His personal doctor, lawyers and associates insisted on the premises of the famous Sakashvili hunger strike in a civilian multidiscipline clinic, although the authorities categorically opposed it.