Ship with hummiating from Libya went to gas

A vessel with more than 1200 tons of humanitarian aid on board set sail from the port of Misurat in the west of Libya and headed towards the Gase sector.

According to the municipality of the city of Misurat, the ship with humanitarian aid will first reach the Egyptian port El-Arish, after which the humanitarian cargo will be delivered by the terrestrial way to gas.

On board the vessel are also teams from the municipality of Misurates and the Libyan red crescent, which will accompany the humanitarian cargo until it reaches an exclus.

In a message published on the social network of the international saving campaign of Gaza, one of the parties conducting Libyan assistance to assist, it is said that the collection of more than 1200 tons of humanitarian aid was also supported by non -governmental organizations in cities such as Tripoli, Misurata, Zliten and hounding.

The message also has a high assessment of the support provided by the Higher State Council of Libya and the municipality of Misurat.

Libyan red crescent and the Egyptian red crescent completed all the relevant procedures and agreements are necessary for the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza, ”the message says.