Shoigu returns to a large policy

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda called the highest confidence made him by Russian President Vladimir Putin offer to head the federal list of United Russia party on the upcoming elections in September.

“United Russia” at the congress, held in June, approved its election lists. The outfield part of the list of the EP on Putin’s suggestion was headed by S. Shuigu.

When asked why Shoigu agreed to lead the list, the head of the military department replied that the consent was not required.

“I accepted this proposal of Vladimir Vladimirovich as a great honor and the highest trust, about which immediately at the congress” United Russia “and said,” explained Shoigu.

“My attitude to the party, in the creation of which I directly participated, always special,” added Shoigu. “Our country is not only huge geographic spaces, but also a multinational people. Let me remind you, in Russia there are more than 190 peoples. And everyone has its own history, culture, traditions,” said the Minister of Defense.