Shoigu stated that humanity moves to death

Mankind with seven-world steps moves to death due to the irrational consumption of land resources, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, President of the Russian Geographical Society Sergey Shoigu, said.

“I will express the thought, which, I think, do not like many. It seems to me that mankind with seven-year steps goes to his own deceased. And the reason for this is an unrestrained desire for consumption,” said the Russian minister in an interview with the magazine around the world.

According to Shoigu, he dreams that one day everyone understood that it is time to stop the insane consumer race. “You got one rabbit – and you will be fed. But when you have ten carcasses, you already need a refrigerator, otherwise the meat will disappear. In order for the refrigerator, electricity is necessary. To do this, burn fuel. And you need to get it first … But why do you need to get it … But why do you need it these ten rabbits? !! ​​”, – he added.

As an example of a reasonable attitude to the resources of the Earth and Nature, the Minister brought his grandfather, the hunter: “So he went to Taiga, he got the beast. He could get more, but no. Because he knows: he does not eat so much meat, but on The next year of the beast will be less. These are the rules created by no bureaucracy, but howling life. “