Sinagogue VII century found during excavations in Turkey

Turkish archaeologists have found the synagogue dated VII century by the VII century under a residential building in the city of Side in the south of the country. This was reported to the Sabah newspaper.

“There were historical records that the Jews lived in Side, but we found the first weighty proof,” it leads to the publication of the word Ferushka Alanian, a scientist from Anadolu University.

The building of the synagogue was found as a result of perennial excavations in the Antalya province Manavgat area. According to Alanyala, “the synagogues are not as noticeable as the mosques or churches,” because of the design features, so they are not so easy to find.

The inscription on the synagogue, sheds the light on its history: “Joseph of the Korakashion (the modern area of ​​Alanya) dedicated this to the son of Daniel.” According to a scientist, Daniel died when he was only two and a half years, and Joseph paid the cost of restoration of the synagogue.