Since beginning of year, more than 17.7 thousand have become victims of armed incidents in United States

In the USA, first years, 17,737 people became victims of armed attacks, another 14,723 were injured.

In the USA annually on June 2, “National Day of Certificates of Violence using Firearms”.

Independent data collection “Archive of violence using firearms” (GVA) documented 268 armed attacks in public places in the United States since the beginning of the year.

Among the victims of violence with the use of firearms of 113 children aged 0 to 11 years and 642 children aged 12 to 17 years.

The number of wounded children aged 0 to 17 years was 1,894 people. During incidents using firearms with the participation of the police, 587 people were killed, another 361 were injured.

According to GVA, in 2022, 44,362 people died in the USA in the USA in the USA, another 38,592 were injured.

Again, according to the past year, 1683 children aged 0 to 17 years old became victims of armed violence, another 4,487 were injured.

In the definition of the term “mass murder” GVA uses the criterion of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the USA.

In accordance with this, an armed attack, as a result of which at least 4 people died, except for the attacker, is considered a “massacre.”

This definition does not include criminal activity in order to make a profit, family murders or similar violent actions. On the GVA website, mass killings are described as “mainly American phenomenon.”

For nine years, June 2 has been celebrated in the USA as a “national awareness day of violence using firearms” in order to draw attention to armed violence and mass killings that caused acute debate in the US company, especially in Congress.

On the occasion of this day, non -governmental organizations and opponents of the use of weapons throughout the country organize events. Participants in the events wear orange costumes in order to honor the memory of the victims of armed violence.