Speaker of Parliament of Mongolia: Relations of Ulan-Bator and Tokyo are developing comprehensively

Relations between Mongolia and Japan, based on general democratic values, develop in all areas based on the principle of “special strategic partnership for the sake of peace and prosperity.”

This is the speaker of the Great State Khural (Parliament) of Mongolia Gombozhazhin Zandanshatar said at a meeting with the head of the Japanese-Mongol Friendship Group in the House of Japan Moto Hayashi.

According to Montsame, the meeting was held in the fields of the 29th International Conference “The Future of Asia” in Tokyo. Zandanshatar expressed gratitude to the members of the parliamentary group for a valuable contribution to strengthening relations and cooperation between the two countries.

On the same day, Zandanshatar adopted the head of the Nippon Japanese Foundation and the Sasakawa World Foundation Yo. Sasakava. The Chairman of the Mongol Parliament expressed gratitude to the Sasakawa World Fund for a significant contribution to the development of the social sector of Mongolia through the implementation of the Coosen program for the preparation of young engineers and the project “Popularization of traditional medicine”, which is aimed at advanced training of Mongolian doctors and medical specialists.

During the meeting, the parties emphasized that Mongolia and Japan are committed to strengthen cooperation focused on people, and noted the need to intensify the exchange between citizens.

Zandanshatar also accepted the professor of Tokyo University Hiroshi Esaki. During the meeting, it was emphasized that the development of friendly relations and cooperation with Japan is one of the priorities of the foreign policy of Mongolia, and the Great State Khural gives this great importance.