State Department: United States closely monitors situation around Saakashvili

US State Department speaker Nad Price commented on the situation around the ex-president of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili and his transfer to the prison hospital.

“We are closely observed for the situation, before that the detention of the former President of Saakashvili, and now, with respect to him. Including, for the statement of the Ombudsman of Georgia, which causes questions in connection with the state of President Saakashvili”, – said price.

According to him, the United States calls for the Georgian government immediately take steps to provide Saakashvili to him as psychological and medical care.

“As always, in such cases, the government is responsible to protect prisoners from violence, including psychological, to provide them with relevant medical care, and ensure non-disclosure of private information about their state of health, in accordance with the legislation of Georgia,” said Price.