State Duma of Russian Federation called for Bundestag to investigate participation of German military in hostilities in Ukraine

Deputies of the State Duma of Russia at a plenary meeting on March 12 unanimously adopted the appeal “to the Bundestag of the Federal Republic of Germany in connection with the participation of Germany in the crimes of the Kiev regime against the civilian population and damage civil infrastructure in the Russian Federation”, the communications said on the website of the legislative organ.

The deputies recalled that the information on the discussion by the German military command of the supply of Taurus cruise missiles and their use by Ukrainian armed formations for strikes for critically important civil infrastructure objects in Russia, including the Crimean bridge through the Kerch Strait, was published.

Deputies also note that “numerous facts indicating the use of Ukraine of Western weapons and ammunition, as well as the participation of US military personnel, UK, France and other NATO countries, including Germany, in combat operations in Ukraine, including as quality instructors and military specialists involved in servicing complex military equipment give every reason to assert the reliability and extreme danger of plans carried by the Bundeswehr leadership. “

In this regard, deputies of the State Duma called on “Bundestag of the Federal Republic of Germany to conduct an objective investigation of the participation of the Bundeswehr military in hostilities in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, the State Duma chairman Vyacheslav Volodin said that “the Bundestag deputies representing the interests of Germany citizens should know about the preparatory crimes of their military-political leadership and do everything to prevent the tragedy.”

“From the audio recording it follows that the leadership of Germany actually draws its country into the Third World War. Everyone needs to understand: this crime will have the most severe consequences for the Germans themselves.

The Russian Federation has weapons that technologically exceeds foreign and is able to hit any purpose on their territory, ”Volodin wrote in his Telegram channel.