State Duma representative: great efforts are made to commission first power unit of Akku NPP in 2025

The delegation of the State Duma of the Russian Federation made a working visit to Turkey to discuss priority areas of cooperation in the energy sector.

As part of the visit, the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Energy Pavel Zavalny, the coordinator of the parliamentary group for relations with the Great National Assembly of Turkey Otari Arshba and the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Ankara Alexei Erkhov met with representatives of the press at the Russian Embassy in Ankara.


The press conference began after laying a wreath at the Monument of the Russian Assembly in Ankara Andrei Karlov, who died as a result of an armed attack in 2016.

The chairman of the State Duma Committee on Energy Zavalny said that the visit programs began with ensuring the monitoring of the Akkui nuclear power plant under construction.

Pavel Zavalny said that great efforts are being made to commission the first power unit of Akku NPP in 2025.

“Akka NPC” will become the most beautiful and most effective nuclear installation in the world, since a completely special project has been developed for this power plant, ”he said.

Zavalny also said that as part of the visit, he met with representatives of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, where they discussed issues of cooperation in the field of energy between the two countries.

He stated that the goal is to bring existing relations to a new level.


“We had the opportunity to discuss many issues. One of the topics discussed is the creation of a hub of natural gas in Turkey. The Turkish stream” is transported by 13 billion cubic meters of natural gas according to the current pipeline. Given that the interest of European countries is growing in our gas, Turkey is growing. will play a role in this cooperation in accordance with its interests and will satisfy the needs of both countries, ”Zavalny emphasized.

The Chairman of the State Duma Committee stated that among the issues on which Turkey and Russia can cooperate in the coming years are updating and modernizing equipment in hydropower, the production of coal energy in regions with coal deposits, solar energy production and exploration of reserves.

He believes that by combining their resources Turkey and the Russian Federation can begin to produce products that will be able to be sent to the Middle East or African countries.