State of Rogozin worsens, his wife and his wife suffered

Doctors in Donetsk and Rostov-on-Don did not dare to perform surgery to the wounded Dmitry Rogozin during the shelling of her complexity, said Oleg Tsarev, ex-deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, well familiar with Rogozin in his telegram channel.

According to him, Rogozin will be transported to Moscow, where the doctors consultation will already decide on the necessary medical care.


Dmitry Rogozin himself wrote on Thursday on social networks that his assistant Mikhail Bridasov died during the shelling in Donetsk.

Earlier, Russian media reported that the ex-head of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin was injured as a result of shelling the Shesh-Besh restaurant in Donetsk, where he celebrated his birthday.