Strange poisoning of residents at home in Moscow

On the eve, a 61-year-old grandmother and 15-year-old granddaughter died in Moscow, who, according to preliminary information, were poisoned by watermelon purchased in the supermarket. Mom teenager is in intensive care in serious condition, Russian media write.

Today, 12 residents at home, where the dead grandmother and granddaughter lived, were hospitalized, everyone has the same symptoms: severe vomiting, abdominal pain.

Media note that not all of them spruce watermelons, in particular, hospitalized adolescents on the eve of only home food.

Law enforcement officers check the version according to which the mass poisoning of residents of the house could cause chemicals used by the builders during the overhaul of the house. It is reported by the Telegram channel Ren TV. To verify this assumption, the police took construction materials and solutions for examination. Also, law enforcement officers argue that the deadly case in one of the families living in the house is not related to other cases of poisoning of residents of the state-owned street.

Residents of the house told the media that the arrived specialists were banned from drinking water from under the tap, and also took air samples, water and product samples.

News site Readovka writes, referring to forensic forensic experts, that all hospitalized identical symptoms are a very fast temperature leap to 40 degrees and cramps resembling neuralgia. At the same time, patients have no typical symptoms of poisoning, like a liquid chair.