Switzerland: Jews supported Muslims

In Switzerland, the Jewish community supported Muslims who condemned the referendum on the introduction of a ban on wearing clothing that covers the face, as well as the results of the vote, Lechaim reports.

As previously reported, about 51 percent of the Swiss supported such a law, which was previously in force in the two cantons of the country, and now will become ubiquitous. The innovation provides for fines for persons who prefer to hide their face from strangers by wearing a niqab, burka, bandana and similar accessories.

The Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities and the Platform for Liberal Jews in Switzerland said the March 7 ban “restricts and violates certain conditions of religious freedom.” In a joint statement, the organizations also said they are concerned that further legislative or federal popular initiatives could further undermine religious freedom in the future.

Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, president of the Conference of European Rabbis, called it “ironic” that the ban is being introduced at a time when most people regularly cover their faces to avoid the spread of the coronavirus.