Tankers with oil began to pass through straits in Turkey

The queue of tankers awaiting the transportation of oil through Bosphorus and Dardanella began to decrease, Bloomberg reports with reference to the Turkish official from the sphere of shipping.

As the Agency notes, this gives hope that Ankara regulated a conflict associated with the insurance of ships.

According to Bloomberg, December 11, 19 tankers were waiting for the passage through the Bosphorus and Dardanella Straits. There were 27 of them a day earlier. The official, aware of the situation, confirmed the publication that previously blocked tankers began to skip.

The traffic jam from tankers was formed due to the requirement of Turkey to present complete insurance so that the vessels are protected from risks such as clashes and spills. Turkey demanded from insurance companies a letter confirming tanker insurance. According to Bloomberg, on December 10 she sent his sample to the insurers, which gives reason to believe that the compromise was achieved.